bell hooks & Melissa Harris-Perry discuss Black womanhood at Cuny

bell hooks & Melissa Harris-Perry discuss Black womanhood at Cuny

“pushing of the imaginiation, a broadening of how we think about things…(bh)/James Baldwin & sentimentality/Fanni Lou Hamer/”Patriarchy is killing Black men.” (bh)/”what nurtures that radical self? what holds me up?” (bh)/how do we protect our black female voices?/who is not being imaged? where is our de-colonized images?/freedom is a constant struggle./Renisha McBride/liberation theology/Black feminism/”shaming is the most dangerous thing in marginalized communities…because then we do not organize and just say if only you had made different choices then everything would be fine.” (mhp)/”shame produces trauma, trauma produces paralysis.” (bh)/there needs to be a space to love masculinity that is not patriarchal./part of our (Black) genius is that we don’t need to see it in order to pursue it. (ie freedom) (mhp)/if you work for freedom, one of the ways to work for freedom (…)is to move away from binaries (…) and to look at images of complexity. (bh)


“I am not responsible for “others'” ignorance or denial about race or white privilege. I no longer carry the burden of navigating other people’s feelings. I will not be quiet for any one else’s comfort. That’s it. No more explanation and no negotiation, and yes, I am ready to fight. Black style, our cool, is precious, worthy of protecting, defending, and being accountable to. Enough taking and enough giving away.”

– Michaela Angela Davis, “Resistance” from “Black Cool: One Thousand Streams of Blackness”